Harley Davidson Street

Puig Lght Smk Batwing Sport Screen Harley Davidson Softail Street Bob FXBB 21-24

Puig Lght Smk Batwing Sport Screen Harley Davidson Softail Street Bob FXBB 21-24
Puig Lght Smk Batwing Sport Screen Harley Davidson Softail Street Bob FXBB 21-24

Puig Lght Smk Batwing Sport Screen Harley Davidson Softail Street Bob FXBB 21-24
Motorcycle and Car Performance Accessories. Puig Lght Smk Batwing Sport Screen Harley Davidson Softail Street Bob FXBB 21-24.

This Puig Batwing Sport Screen is suitable for Harley Davidson Softail Street Bob FXBB 2021 2022 2023 2024. Puig Gloss Black Housing Batwing Sport Screen - Light Smoke.

The Batwing SML windshield is made up of a black plastic shell of different sizes, designed to enhance the Custom design of your motorcycle. It is available for the most popular custom models: Harley Davidson, Honda, Indian, BMW, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha. Puig does not forget the rest of the models, offering a universal Batwing SML windshield with a complete mounting kit included to adapt it to your Custom bike.

Check if the part number is homologated by the German KBA and if it is already included in the homologation in the documents section.
Puig Lght Smk Batwing Sport Screen Harley Davidson Softail Street Bob FXBB 21-24